The film adaptation of Life of Pi has debuted its first trailer, starring a pretty ferocious looking CGI tiger.
Based on Yann Martel's Booker Prize-winning novel, the 3D film by Oscar-winning director Ang Lee, is due out this Christmas, competing with other big-name book adaptations The Great Gatsby and Part One of The Hobbit.
Director Ang Lee
Suraj Sharma (in his first major role) stars as the young Pi, a zookeeper's son who finds himself lost at sea with a Bengal tiger, a zebra, a hyena and an orangutan.
Tobey Maguire, Gerard Depardieu and Irrfan Khan are among the film's supporting cast.
Life of Pi will be released 21 December in the UK.
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Based on Yann Martel's Booker Prize-winning novel, the 3D film by Oscar-winning director Ang Lee, is due out this Christmas, competing with other big-name book adaptations The Great Gatsby and Part One of The Hobbit.
Director Ang Lee
Suraj Sharma (in his first major role) stars as the young Pi, a zookeeper's son who finds himself lost at sea with a Bengal tiger, a zebra, a hyena and an orangutan.
Tobey Maguire, Gerard Depardieu and Irrfan Khan are among the film's supporting cast.
Life of Pi will be released 21 December in the UK.
Click here for more Trailers of films coming up